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I have into 2024. Book now, or send a section for your free test edit.
I have added a new service: a structural analysis. That is a read through with a detailed analysis of the plot/character/structure with suggestions as needed. Prices start at $100 USD for 50k
I am charging $100 USD/25k for a full edit. So $200 for 50k, $400 for 100 and so on. For work under 50k I charge $25/hr. For your edit money you get two passes, the first is chapter by chapter with an assessment at the end. The second pass gives you line by suggestions of how to improve your prose and use it to show character, tone and more.
I will give you a custom quote after your free, no obligation test edit. This is the first 5,000 words of your work.
Contact me at thecelticfrog(at)