Testimonial from Rebekah Lee Jenkins

I hired Alex for my second book, Hope in Oakland, because his work is meticulous.

If you are looking for a fantastic content editor, you found him and you should hire him immediately.

I learned early that your book is not your baby, it is your business. That means you want to release the best manuscript you are capable of writing.  The content edit is like the foundation of a house, skimp on this step, the whole structure will collapse. You can paint it any pretty colour you want but people will notice if the roof caves in and they will step away. Once you lose that reader they are gone forever. Not just them but everyone they would recommend your work to. This step is not something you skimp on. I wouldn’t dream of publishing a book without him.

Read on if you would like to know what he did for my books and my career.

In my first book he pointed out that my opening line for the novel was buried in the middle of chapter five. Yes. Chapter Five. I shudder to think what would have happened if I had released that book without his hard work. I should also mention my first book already had a content edit before I sent it to him to sort out the whole sorry mess. He restructured it and pointed out missing key scenes. That book, The Night They Came For Til, launched me into a writing career I am thrilled with, stunned by and desperately trying to keep up with.

Because I believe in giving credit where credit is due, I never, ever do an author night/interview without pointing out that Alex McGilvery is my editor and how to hire him. Ever. Because I know, every review that says “I could not put this book down” is a review we should share. I would have lost those readers somewhere in chapter three with a long flashback that didn’t drive the plot forward if he hadn’t restructured the entire thing! I had a good story that would have bored my readers to tears without his hard work.  Alex will pace your novel to be something people can’t put down. Of all the gifts he brings to the table that is the most invaluable.

The second book we finished, Hope in Oakland, was no exception. I had about 40 pages of repetition that I didn’t notice until he pointed it out and I was again missing key scenes.

As I said in my previous testimonial, this edit process will be exactly like a very detailed, very personal writing course. I learned a lot with my first book and I learned a lot with this book too. I appreciate that he tells you what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right. This has created more confidence in me and makes me excited to tackle a new project.

I can tell you from experience. If you chose to work with Alex you will be well on your way to producing the best book you can write and launching a very successful writing career. Don’t delay.

Happy editing!

Testimonial from Laurence O’Brien

“I definitely recommend Alex’s editing service. I have had three books published by Harper Collins around the world and Alex’s service is equal to the structural edits I have received from them. Do not release a book without a structural edit of the type Alex provides. You need Alex McGilvery to get this necessary job done without taking out a second mortgage. It was a pleasure to work with Alex and see a new novel growing and becoming stronger.”
Laurence O’Bryan author of The Istanbul Puzzle & other novels available on Amazon and in book stores.

Laurence O’Bryan

Author & Founder: BooksGoSocial.com 

Founder:                 The Dublin Writers Conference

Testimonial from Rebekah Lee Jenkins

I hired Alex as an editor but it turned out that was the least of what he did! This morphed from an edit to a super detailed, custom designed writing course. At the end of the course/edit I have a book that my readers are raving about.

As a hairstylist, writing and publishing is not my field at all.  I needed a complete overhaul. I got it. I am thrilled with my book.
As writers, our voice/message is the biggest piece of our brand and you need an editor that gets that.
Alex will polish the book, push you to do better and leave you with a manuscript that sounds like you. Alex kept me true to my voice.
I can’t wait to do another book with Alex, I loved this process!
Here’s Rebekah’s book: The Night they came for Til

Testimonial from Molly Zucknick

The rough draft and first and second passes were behind me. Still, frustrated with the manuscript, I sought advice from an online writing group and received some great tips. The best of which was a suggestion to contact Alex McGilvery at CelticFrog Editing. I was honest with Alex; my greatest fear was having my voice edited out. He quickly settled that worry – his job was to help improve my story, not rewrite it. Because of this, I accepted a no obligation offer to edit my first 5000 words. The results sold me. As a content editor, the comments and advice Alex offered ranged from specific to general and focused on weak plot points, character development, and consistency. The suggestions and appreciations Alex made encouraged a deeper insight into my work and provided enough of a push to help strengthen my voice. I’m so glad I found Alex and CelticFrog Editing.

Molly Zucknick

Testimonial from Carisa Wells

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who referred Alex McGilvery to me when I asked some questions about editing a couple months ago. He’s exactly the editor I needed for my book. I’d sent samples to many editors prior to him. He’s the first person who hurt my feelings and that’s precisely why I hired him. Don’t worry. He wasn’t mean at all, just honest. There’s no way I could have found anyone better. No offense to the other lovely editors. This was a right place/right time thing. I’m so glad his prices are affordable for some of us po’ folk. He could easily be charging a bundle. It’s been an absolute privilege and a pleasure to work with him. So again, Thank you!

Testimonial by Katy Huth Jones

Even after editing with my talented critique group, I knew my fantasy wasn’t ready for publication, but its length was prohibitive in finding an affordable editor. I heard praise for Alex McGilvery’s editing in an online writing group and decided to send him a sample. I really liked his method and hired him. It has been money well spent! Alex is thorough and professional, and he focuses equally well on the macro and the micro; he analyzes story arc, character arcs, and themes while he notes technical flaws and weak writing habits. I like that he points out what works as well as what needs overhauling or tweaking. He even helped me “choreograph” a climactic fight scene. I wholeheartedly endorse Alex McGilvery of Celticfrog Editing and hope we can work together on future projects. Thanks, Alex!

Katy Huth Jones

Testimonial by Ora Smith

I feel Alex put a lot of time and thought into the content edit of my historical fiction manuscript. His comments were thorough and helped give me the information, knowledge and understanding needed to make important changes to the story and characters. He also gave a multiple page evaluation at the end, guiding me to where I needed to make additions, deletions, how to strengthen the plot and so much more. I also really appreciate that he complimented the writing in various places throughout the manuscript. What writer doesn’t need a little praise to drive away those negative demons in our head? I would definitely have Alex edit a manuscript again. I feel like I received a lot for the price. I almost feel like I was taking advantage of him! Sorry Alex, but thanks again!

Testimonial from Valerie Howard

“My book needed some work, but I didn’t know how to fix it. I couldn’t afford $1,000 or more for the usual professional editor, so I thought I was going to have to rely on friends and family to read the story and give me their best suggestions of how to tighten up my writing. Then I found Alex McGilvery at Celtic Frog Editing. His rates were unbelievable and I’d heard excellent things about his process, so I jumped on the opportunity to hire him to edit my book. I’m so glad I did! Alex not only has the ability to pinpoint exactly what needs fixing, he can give you great suggestions and ideas on HOW to fix the problem areas that are holding your book back. He also tells you what you’re doing right so you know what not to change in your final draft. I’m indebted to him for giving my so-so book the potential to be a great book! Thank you, Alex for offering a great professional service at a fraction of the cost!”

Link to Valerie’s book Carry Me Homeon Amazon.



Comment from Cynthia Port

I took Alex McGilvery up on his recent promotional offer of $100 to content edit an entire book. I don’t have extra cash for my writing, so this was not an easy decision, but I was feeling mired down by this manuscript (that I love) and needed a boost. He made nearly 400 separate comments on the document, plus several pages of recommendations and observations at the end!!! By the time I have finished responding to his suggestions, both the book and my skills as a writer will have significantly improved. 

I met Alex through CIR and don’t know him personally. I believe he may still have this offer. If so, and if you can possibly swing it, take advantage. He is very skilled. I can pretty much guarantee his rates will not stay this low. Here is his website, or you can contact him through CIR. 

Thanks Alex! (and thanks Lia London Author for CIR)

Endorsement by Harry Hobbs

I have been privileged to work with  Alex McGilvery over the past couple of years as I enter the final editing stages of my new novel A Circle of Roots  Alex spend a lot of time reading and critiquing my novel in depth. His comments covered everything from grammar errors, sentence or syntax problems to a great analysis of my plot and character development, and my handling of point of view. Alex asked all the tough questions and made me most accountable particularly in areas of the novel that I had “glossed over.”  He was accessible for questions and helped me work out problems that were not obvious to me or where I was looking for a difficulty when some minor editing is all that was needed.  Alex graciously agreed to read my book again after I had completed my rewrite.  He made further comments on where things were smooth now and gave advice on areas still requiring work.

I feel fortunate to have Alex as my editor and know my novel is stronger as a result.  I would recommend Alex to anyone who is looking for an editor to give critical and honest feedback.


Harry Hobbs

Email harrychobbs@gmail.com